Matchmaking culture of Japan

Hi everyone! It’s single 35 yr old A-ko! Have you guys ever heard of the term “婚活”(konkatsu) in Japan? It is directly translated as “matchmaking” in English. It is an activity in which single women make great efforts to participate in, in order to find their ideal “marriage” partner. There are several kinds of activities in which you can participate [….]

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Tutorial: How to write a Japanese resume to land that dream job!

Everyone has their own way of writing their resume. In my country, we usually follow whatever format is taught to us by our schools and universities. I’m sure it differs per country as well, but working in a recruitment company, and going to a ton of resumes a day, I realized that all resumes are the same but is all [….]

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Interviewing in Japan 101 

Job interviews in Japan are a very intricate procedure. Depending on how well it goes, it can make or break your chances of landing that job. As someone who has struggled with job interviews in Japan and who is now in recruiting, I can see from both a foreigner’s perspective and a Japanese company’s. There are still quite a lot [….]

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Year-End Tax Adjustment in Japan

Those who live in Japan probably know how painful it’s to do Tax Adjustment in Japan. Especially for non-Japanese speakers when the documents are not written in Japanese and when all your friends don’t speak Japanese. We will give you some tips on your Year-End Tax Adjustment process. We do Year-End Tax Adjustment for all our dispatch staff at the [….]

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How to write a Japanese resume “Rirekisho”

Most of the job seekers in Japan had to face the situation when they have been asked to make a Japanese resume, called “Rirekisho” 履歴書. We also ask 90% of the candidates to send a Japanese version resume. Japanese style resume is different than any other resume types. It has two different sheets called Rirekisho and Shokumu-Keirekisho. Rirekisyo is a [….]

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Halloween in Japan

Halloween in Japan is quite different from the usual trick or treating most people are used to. Unlike other countries, Halloween doesn’t revolve around kids circling the neighborhood for candy. Instead, they have the following: 1. Costumes If you are a foreigner celebrating Halloween in Japan for the first time, your Japanese/Japan accustomed friends would probably take you to Shibuya. [….]

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Top 5 Autumn Food in Japan

Autumn (秋) in Japan lets us enjoy the beautiful moon at night and eat moon dumplings. It’s getting colder, trees in the cities and mountains turn red and yellow. Seasonal food is an important aspect of Japanese culture, as a result of the popularity of different products with seasonal taste or “seasonal menu”. Speaking of which, we decided to make [….]

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Sophisticated Japanese Subway and Trains

Have you got used to Japanese metro? For those who have not experienced Japanese metro, that’s probably one of the most complicated and biggest subway systems in the world. The leading railway company in Japan is JR (Japan Railways Group) which has most of the operations across the country. It’s rather overwhelming figure out where to go or how to [….]

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Tokyo’s 10 Best places to see “Koyo”

Koyo or Momiji (紅葉) means autumn foliage in Japanese. It is a Japanese tradition to enjoy autumn foliage every year. There are many Japanese traditions which involve visiting places to see nature changing over the season. It is probably the best way to immerse in Japanese culture. Many people go to the mountains to see spectacular views of Koyo which [….]

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Marine Day (Umi-no-hi)

Japan has a National Holiday called Marine Day or “Umi no hi” (海の日in Japanese) which also known as Ocean day or Sea Day. The holiday is celebrated since 1996 in Japan. Why do Japanese celebrate Marine Day? “Umi no hi” was established in 1941 and called Marine Memorial Day. It was made as the anniversary of the return of Meiji [….]

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