【Tagalog, English&Japanese】Phone support interpretation and translation

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Location Tokyo, Minato-ku
Employment Type Dispatch
Term of Employment Full time
Professional Area Customer Support
Languages Tagalog (native)
Japanese (business)
English (business)

【Necessary Skills】
+ Native level Tagalog
+ Business level Japanese
+ Intermediate business level English
+ Age/Degree not relevant
+ Those who can work on weekends and holidays (5 days shift system)
+ Basic PC skills (Excel, Word)
+ Proficient in Japanese and corresponding languages (Japanese plus one or more languages)
* Interpreting/Translation experience welcome!
Customer support experience welcome!

Working Conditions



Shift system from 8:30 to 21:00 hrs
Full-time only
*Subject to change depending on the circumstances

Around 165 hours per month

Days Off

8 days or more per month

Salary ¥1,400 / hour

時給:1400円  想定労働時間:月165時間

想定月収23万円以上! (1400¥×165時間)



Job Description

Multilingual call center operator
【Main Duties】
+ Interpreting between Japanese and foreign nationals
+ Interpreting for Call Center staff working overseas
+ Mail translation, etc.
Mainly translation of emails, interpreting of calls/video calls regarding inquiries about transportation methods, stores, medical facilities, public institutions, etc.
This is mainly an inbound position, but depending on the case, sometimes outbound tasks will be required (surveys, requesting documentation, making sales appointments, etc.)

【Working environment】
This is a quiet and international working environment, where senior staff are always willing to support the junior staff.
We put an emphasis on training, and since the beginning you will only be given cases according to your capabilities.
There is a cafeteria and the break room includes a microwave, fridge and free coffee!
Due to the excellent working conditions, a lot of our staff has been working with us for a long time.